Thunderbird for Mint

David Fletcher dave at
Thu Jul 10 22:44:26 UTC 2014

On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 18:31 -0400, Little Girl wrote:
> Hey there,

> I don't have any experience with aptitude, but it looks to me like
> Thunderbird is installed on your machine (if that's what the i is
> for). (:

Yes you are correct. It was installed but now it's been purged.

I'm still gradually fettling this machine, got it connecting to my
Garmin Etrex Legend a couple of evenings ago, now I've got rid of an
email client that I really don't like.

I use Evolution, BTW



Lisa Simpson:- "They must have programmed it to eliminate the
Bart Simpson:- "You mean like Microsoft?"

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