The VueScan Kiss-off

ray burke rayburke30 at
Tue Jan 28 05:05:00 UTC 2014


I also use simple scan and find it very good?


On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Paul Lemmons <paul at> wrote:

> I use "Simple Scan". As the name implies, it is simple but has all the
> basics. Can scan multi-page documents into a multi-page PDF, single page
> scan, rotation, cropping, and very forgiving when the automatic document
> feeder jams.
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:22 PM, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at> wrote:
>> On 01/28/2014 03:46 AM, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>>> I've been using VueScan as a scanning application for probably 5 years.
>>>  It
>>> is/was a good application and it supports a lot of scanners.
>>> But with Kubuntu 13.4 (and who knows what other distros of linux) it has
>>> a
>>> "window" problem.  If you click on any action, such as PREVIEW or SCAN
>>> or even
>>> FILE--->Exit, the program fails to do ANYTHING.   It is only when you
>>> switch
>>> to a different desktop,  or window, or minimize the Vuescan window, that
>>> any
>>> action will take place.
>>> The program WILL work, but only if you fiddle and diddle with switching
>>> or
>>> minimizing windows to give it a "kick".
>>> I've been working with Ed Hammrick  (Ed Hamrick <vuescan at>) to
>>> try to
>>> solve these issues but in essence, he could care less.
>>> His recent statements:
>>> "Yes, I recommend you use a different scanning solution."
>>> "Yes, I'm probably going to stop supporting Linux in the next few weeks."
>>> "I get less than 1% of my revenues from Linux, and increasingly
>>> the poor quality control in various distributions and increasingly
>>> fragmented distributions makes it difficult to make a single
>>> executable work on many Linux distributions."
>>> So he's giving up on linux and telling us all to "take it somewhere
>>> else" to
>>> put it bluntly.
>>> This has to be a simple problem since the program only has a window
>>> problem,
>>> but he's not interested in any solution.
>>> So my question to the group is:  "what other scanning solution are you
>>> using
>>> under linux?"
>>> Once again, linux users are second class citizens.
>> I use Skanlite for basic stuff, gscan2pdf for pdf scanning (multipage and
>> so on)
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