Looking for an external, portable DVD writer that works well with K3B.

Fr Denis Carter SSC fr.deniscarterssc at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Feb 20 09:59:42 UTC 2014

On 19/02/14 14:10, Bas G. Roufs in English wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> the external DVD writer I have been working with during some years, is
> apparently nearing the end of it's life cycle. That's why, I am looking for a
> new one that works well with K3B. The device needs to be able to write CD's,
> DVD's and especially  rewritable DVD''s. It needs to be portable, light-weight
> - a price of about 30 Euro is OK.
> One of the devices I am considering, is this one:
> Samsung SE-208DB - DVD±RW (±R DL)/DVD-RAM-station
> However, I am also open for other ideas. So, if you have experience with such
> a device when working with K3B/ Kubuntu, please, share a bit of feedback here.
> Thanks!
> Bas G. Roufs.
Hello Bas, I have been using the Samsung SE 208 with K3B for a year now 
without any problems. it is fast and only needs one usb connetion.

Fr. Denis A V Carter SSC
St. Columban's
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  Knowle, Solihull.


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