New Command (alias)

Charles T. Bell cbell44 at
Wed Aug 27 20:20:12 UTC 2014

On 08/27/2014 02:11 AM, Loïc Grobol wrote:
> Why not just `cd ..` ?
> On 27 Aug 2014 08:00, "Bill Vance" <kbun at
> <mailto:kbun at>> wrote:
>     Howdy Folks;
>     While I haven't seen much of it, it seems logical
>     to me, that this list is not just about problems,
>     but also bout passing along the, "little goodies",
>     that we come across.  Well here's one for you.
>     Cd-ing down into a long string of directories one
>     dir name at a time is one thing, but using cd to
>     try to negotiate back up a few dirs, can be
>     downright cumbersome.
>     Conversely, I've allways liked the way ftp
>     handled this with it's, "cdup", command.  After
>     playing with it a while, I think I've found the
>     most elegant version to date.  After you've
>     checked it out in a shell, you're probably
>     going to want to cut/paste it in with the other
>     aliases in your /home/$USER/.bashrc file. So anyway, here it is.
>       alias cdup='cd $(dirname $PWD)'
>     The dirname command simply chops the last name
>     off of a directory string, in this case, the
>     Present Working Directory, and there you have
>     it.  Enjoy.
>     Bill
>     -- 
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I have always used the number of double periods to move up.
cd ../../otherdir
That command would move me up 2 directories and into a third
that is in the second directory up. I am not aware of a limit.
I have found it a useful command since DOS.
Oh, and "ls" works the same way when checking for directories to
move to.
Good luck!

"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's
need but not for man's greed."
-- Mahatma Gandhi
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