Permission Problem

Bill Vance kbun at
Thu Aug 14 10:47:42 UTC 2014

On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Nils Kassube wrote:

> Bill vance wrote:


> Finally the directory / symlink mail in /var and /var/spool are
> reversed, i.e. usually there is a directory /var/mail and a symlink
> /var/spool/mail -> /var/mail. Anyway, that last part shouldn't matter,
> but it is unusual.
> Nils

These days, (of lazy typists), perhaps, but originally
it was in spool, where everything was, "spooled", in
and out of the system.  So, on most systems, that is
the case, but the postfix/Taylor-uucp combo likes the
old-fashioned setup, but allows the /var/mail link as
a shortcut.  Don't ask me why, it just is.  Email was
in spool/mail, news.groups in spool/news, and
up/downloading in spool/uucppublic.

I should perhaps, mention that I get my email from, (Seattle Unix Users Group), via uucp
over TCP.

So, night before last, I started getting, "14.04 is
here", notices, so I decided to give it a try, and
see if it fixed the problem.  After a while of
downloading files, it was re-boot time.  So just a
little ways into the boot, it suddenly goes, "dead
screen", and locks up.  Not to be discouraged,
next day I go to the local computer shop, and get
a 14.04 disc, and surprise, surprise, it doesn't
even get to the setups, when it too goes dead, the
same way.

So, after re-installing 12.04.4 everythings working
again.  Never did figure out what was wrong.

And, unless it just doesn't like AMD procesors,
it looks like 14.04 has a nasty boot-up bug.


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