printing from kate

support support at
Mon Aug 4 00:04:18 UTC 2014

If it can be reproduced by anyone else running kubuntu and a similar HP
laser, I'd recommend a bug report is filed with the Kate maintainers.

We do not have an HP here otherwise would test right now.

On 03/08/2014 01:25, Chris Luck wrote:
> On 02/08/14 15:17, Glenn Holmer wrote:
>> When I print a text file from kate, the leftmost pixel or two of
>> each line are cut off. I believe it's kate and not the printer driver
>> or setup doing this because if I print the text file directly using
>> "lpr <filename>", it looks fine.
>> Any ideas now to diagnose/fix this? All other printing looks normal,
>> including the printer test page (it's an HP cp1525nw color laser).
> A mismatch between Kate page margins and printer capability?  Even if
> the numbers in Kate look sensible you might add a millimetre or two just
> to test it.

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