[14.04 64Bit]-USB Keyboard [Calculator] Button Does Not Work?

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sun Apr 27 16:50:19 UTC 2014

Jesse Palser wrote:
> Running Kubuntu 14.04 64Bit fully updated on my main development
> desktop. My USB keyboard has a [Calculator] button, but when I press
> it nothing happens?
> How would I setup USB keyboard [Calculator] button so it works on my
> Kubuntu OS?

I don't know if that calculator button needs some special action, but 
for a "normal" key like F6 it works like this:

Navigate to "K-menu" -> "System Settings" -> "Shortcuts and Gestures" -> 
"Custom Shortcuts". Right-click in the "Name" area and select "New" -> 
"Global Shortcut" -> "Command/URL". Type a name for the shortcut like 
"Calculator" and replace the "Comment" if you want. Then click the 
"Trigger" tab. Click at the "Shortcut" button which is labeled "None" 
and press the special key to trigger the action. Then click the "Action" 
tab and enter the command to start the calculator - "kcalc --caption 
KCalc" (without quotes) should work. Finally click "Apply" and test if 
it works.


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