[14.04 64Bit]-"Icon-Only Task Manager" Shows 2 Icons For KDE IM Contacts Program?

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kubuntu.org
Wed Apr 23 11:31:14 UTC 2014

Hi Jesse,

Cc'ing David as he is the one who knows best

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Jesse Palser
<jessepalsermailinglists at gmail.com> wrote:
> [14.04 64Bit]-"Icon-Only Task Manager" Shows 2 Icons For KDE IM Contacts
> Program?
> Hi,
> I am running Kubuntu 14.04 64Bit fully updated on my main development
> desktop now.
> I added "Icon-Only Task Manager" widget to my bottom panel and removed
> original task manager widget.
> It seems to work properly for almost all programs I open,
> but for KDE IM Contacts IM program it shows 2 different icons on the
> panel?(see screenshot below)
> Screenshot URL below:
> http://16bitsoft.com/V2/Images/Stuff/Kubuntu_Desktop_04-22-2014.png
> How can I setup either "Icon-Only Task Manager" and/or bottom panel
> to only show 1 icon for KDE IM Contacts IM program?
> (currently it shows 1 icon for IM program and another icon for a
> conversation)

I think this is intentional, as you can have several open
conversations in different protocols, and you need to be able to
access the general window as well. To me it wouldn't make much sense
if I couldn't access the main IM window only by going through the chat

Regards, Myriam

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