Problems with 14.04 upgrade...

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Apr 21 15:54:39 UTC 2014

On 04/21/2014 10:02 AM, BRM wrote:
> As I noted earlier, I can go to a console (CTRL+ALT+F1) and I have
> access without an issue.
> The system does have an nVidia graphics card, but I believe we are now
> using the open source nouveau drive instead of the proprietary driver.
> #1 I can kind of live with - I do want it fixed - but #2 makes the
> system unusable for anything but console work.
> Has anyone seen these? Know solutions? Anything in particular to look for?

I did a fresh install of 14.04 and also have an Nvidia card.  I don't 
have any problems booting.

But something to note is that, yes, when freshly installed, the system 
uses nouveau which I have never liked much but decided to leave it be 
until I found I had problems with it.

But at sometime in the first week of using 14.04, I believe I got a 
message that my video wasn't proper and that the proprietary drivers 
should be used, and I think it provided an easy way to install the 
drivers, so I did.   No problems with that.

I remember having to really do some "unnatural acts" to switch from 
nouveau to Nvidia in past releases so I was more than happy to see that 
the system would essentially do it without hassle this time.

You might try to install the Nvidia drivers.

"Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people
     are right more than half of the time."

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