Anyone having graphic problems with 14.04??

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Fri Apr 4 16:39:43 UTC 2014

On 04/04/2014 05:01 AM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
> On 04/03/2014 01:06 PM, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> I just put 14.04 on a 64bit machine and everything went much better than
>> usual.
>> However, libreoffice won't run and digikam won't run.
>> Both put up a window and then hang....  the window does not contain
>> anything from those programs, it's just a frame with other desktop
>> content within.
>> I believe libreoffice was working until the updates of a day ago.
> I'm seeing this with LibreOffice as well, on two desktop machines (one
> with nouveau and one with nvidia), and a laptop with nvidia.

 From perusing the bug reports, I have come up with a way to get 
Libreoffice to open...   Use any or all of these methods...   and when 
one of them works, it may not work the next time but I have been able to 
get it to run using these methods:

3 ways to start   libreoffice

1. Double click on an LO file
2. Click on the icon
3. Use alt-F2 and enter: /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/oosplash -calc

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