strange Nepomuk problem

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Mon Sep 9 13:05:17 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 2:51 PM, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at> wrote:
> Being on 12.04.3 and updated KDE to 4.11 I find myself with a somewhat
> strange problem: the systray icon for Nepomuk/indexing does not seem to
> exist.

That was removed in the 4.11 release, unfortunately. I also miss a way
to check if there is actually an indexing happening, as I still
suspect it doesn't index my external drives, despite having enabled
this to be done by default. The total number of files indexed seems to
be far too low.
> However, everything seems to work as expected with regards to search and so
> on (kmail address system in order, yahoo!) and I must say that 4.11 seems to
> a big upgrade in terms of performance for nepomuk/akonadi.
> Just kind of wishing that little "&" to be there to tell me it is alive,
> that is all.

Absolutely, I don't understand either why this was removed, and I very
much would like to have this back. I added the Nepomuk developer in

Regards, Myriam

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