13.10 mouse in GNOME apps
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at kubuntu.org
Thu Oct 31 11:15:05 UTC 2013
On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Girard Henri <girardhenri at free.fr> wrote:
> Le 28/10/2013 10:49, Chris Luck a écrit :
>> On 26/10/13 14:09, Glenn Holmer wrote:
>>> Has anybody else noticed the mouse not working right in GNOME apps
>>> (like Synaptic)? What I'm seeing is that a) the scroll wheel doesn't
>>> work at all, and b) clicking in the scrollbar, instead of paging up
>>> or down, jumps directly to the place you clicked. I'm seeing it on
>>> four different machines so far, so I don't think it's a configuration
>>> issue.
>> I'm seeing that in Synaptic but not in other gnome apps. (i.e. Audacity,
>> Gimp).
There appears to be a problem with the oxygen-gtk theme, if you switch
to a plain oxygen theme or any other it works fine.
Regards, Myriam
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