Fresh install Kubuntu 13.10: how best to partition the HD for optimal, smooth Kontakt & Akonadi

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Sun Oct 27 17:02:31 UTC 2013

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 01:12:17 PM O. Sinclair wrote:
> > Regards, Myriam
> I agree 100 on that. I have been reading this thread with some interest 
> though to me it seems a bit "overkill" configuration. But to keep a 
> backup on same disk will only save you if you mess up your config/data, 
> not if the disk has a breakdown. I have been there (stolen laptop 
> actually) and boy was I happy to have vital data on a usb harddrive.
> Regards,
> Sinclair

Exactly, and my post was only addressing the "new system broke my files" 
problem.  Not a regular method of backup.   Certainly what I said:  backup 
only when moving to a new release, would not constitute a 'back-up' method by 
any stretch.

"Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are  removing 
   a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the 
   ground easily, it is a valuable plant."

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