/home data locations (was: Still 100% CPU whe...)

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Sat Oct 12 17:29:00 UTC 2013

On Saturday, October 12, 2013 09:17:46 AM Felix Miata wrote:
> This Mozilla configuration is a default carryover from Windows insanity. 
> There's no good reason to keep it. Your Mozilla data can be moved wherever 
> you please. Only the the few files that keep track of what profiles exist
> and  their locations need to go in a default hidden location, and those are
> easily reconstructed if and when necessary.
> Likely KMail and other KDE app data can be relocated as well.

Kmail emails and folder CAN be moved over to a fresh Kmail install.  It's not 
all that easy but given details, it is not that hard either.

I did all my testing on a separate "lab rat" system to verify I could do it 
before trying it on my main machine.   And even then, I did copious backups 
while I was in the process of making up the new $HOME.

I have a writeup of moving the emails over if anyone is interested.  If I 
couldn't have moved those emails, I think I would have just stuck with 13.04 
until I could find another email program.  (but I've tried to find one before 
and gave up - - Kmail is too nice to give up)

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so ingenious"
  - anonymous

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