Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu?
Georgi Kourtev
gkourtev at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 15:01:54 UTC 2013
Thanks for the feedback. Over the weekend I'll try and will share the
Well, where I am -- in Bulgaria, quite a large number of PCs (DELL, HP,
also others) are offered with pre-installed linux -- mostly Ubuntu and
OpenSuse, saw few with Fedora. Normally they are much cheaper compared with
Windows pre-installed, which is normal. For Ubuntu OEM installation is
LTS versions, which I understand why being myself currently on Kubuntu
2013/10/8 Bas Roufs <basroufs at gmail.com>
> Hello Georgi,
> if I were you, I would simply choose for a fresh install of the most
> recent stable version of Kubuntu - at present Kubuntu 13.04. On the other
> hand - if you need to get started quickly, you could for the time being
> choose to install some KDE components into your Ubuntu configuration along
> the lines of the instructions at this page:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE
> However - as soon as you have a bit more time, do download a Kubuntu image
> DVD and install the whole system from scratch.
> By the way - you mention a new Dell? laptop with just Ubuntu preinstalled.
> How did you get it?!
> Respectfully yours,
> Bas.
> 2013/10/8 Sarunas Burdulis <sarunas at math.dartmouth.edu>
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 10/08/2013 01:50 AM, Georgi Kourtev wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Few days ago I got a new laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 pre-installed by the
>> OEM
>> > (DELL). As I would like to keep on Kubuntu (which I use since 2008)
>> what
>> > would be the better way -- to install the KDE over the Ubuntu that is
>> on the
>> > laptop anyway, or to do a fresh Kubuntu 12.04 install? Any advice or
>> > experience is appreciated.
>> There were plenty of good suggestions already, but I might add that you
>> can also try booting from Kubuntu Live CD or USB drive and see if
>> everything works well. If so you can start with complete reinstall of
>> pure KDE, i.e. Kubuntu.
>> If you find that some functionality is missing (power
>> saving/suspend/brightness/wireless etc.), keeping Dell setup might be
>> easier. My preferred way would be to use Terminal and install:
>> sudo apt-get install kde-full
>> (kde-full - complete KDE Software Compilation for end users)
>> Sarunas Burdulis
>> http://math.dartmouth.edu/~sarunas
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> Bas G. Roufs
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