Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu?

A.J. Bonnema gbonnema at xs4all.nl
Tue Oct 8 11:35:28 UTC 2013

On 08/10/13 12:41, Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2013-10-08 08:50 (GMT+0300) Georgi Kourtev composed:
>>   Few days ago I got a new laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 pre-installed by 
>> the OEM
>> (DELL).  As I would like to keep on Kubuntu (which I use since 2008) 
>> what
>> would be the better way -- to install the KDE over the Ubuntu that is 
>> on the
>> laptop anyway, or to do a fresh Kubuntu 12.04 install?  Any advice or
>> experience is appreciated.
> The underlying system is the same. The difference is in the GUI 
> software installed. I'd start by following the instructions on these 
> pages:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FromUbuntuToKubuntu
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE
> This procedure may leave behind some Dell-specific stuff that might be 
> helpful WRT support. It might be good to leave behind some of the 
> basic the Gnome stuff in order to allow the Dell stuff to work.
> Another option would be a fresh install alongside, by resizing as 
> required to provide multiboot, similar to how people run Linux 
> alongside Windows, facilitating future upgrades on a test basis and/or 
> beta testing upcoming releases without disturbing the then status quo, 
> which also results in what amounts to a built-in rescue system.
Very useful, Felix! I did not know about the "ubuntu-desktop" and 
"kubuntu-desktop", did everything manually. Now I know.


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