Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu?

A.J. Bonnema gbonnema at xs4all.nl
Tue Oct 8 06:10:19 UTC 2013

On 08/10/13 07:50, Georgi Kourtev wrote:
> Hello,
>   Few days ago I got a new laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 pre-installed by the OEM
> (DELL).  As I would like to keep on Kubuntu (which I use since 2008) what
> would be the better way -- to install the KDE over the Ubuntu that is on the
> laptop anyway, or to do a fresh Kubuntu 12.04 install?  Any advice or
> experience is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> gk
Hey Georgi,

There is no difference other then the initially installed packages.
Use muon or muon-packages to install KDE in Ubuntu.

Before you logon you can change the window manager, any time you want to 
switch. Prolly an option on your logon screen.

I currently run  Fedora with gnome, KDE, mate and cinemon installed. I 
got tired of the KDE problems with Nepomuk hogging the cpu, and gnome 
with their new user interface that I find lacking (soz guys). So I 
mainly use mate at the moment. Once in a while I check whether the 
problems went away. So you can switch back and forth between window 

hope this helps.


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