Service List Like openSUSE?

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Thu Oct 3 15:32:19 UTC 2013

On Thursday, October 03, 2013 05:09:59 PM O. Sinclair wrote:
> On 03/10/2013 17:00, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > On 10/03/2013 04:23 PM, Volkan Gezer wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >> 
> >> Are there any tools that can list and allow us to start/stop/restart
> >> services like Apache, Mysql etc. under Kubuntu? As I know openSUSE has
> >> an app which can list RunLevel services. Any application like this
> >> will be more than enough :).
> > 
> > Don't you mean:
> > 
> > System Settings --> Startup and Shutdown --> Service Manager ?
> No, that one is woefully inadequate if you ask me. I do have (very)
> vague memories of a software like the one asked for but sadly can not
> remember what it was called or where to find it

There is a SERVICE command...    service networking  start/stop/restart

as well as using:  /etc/init.d/networking  start/stop/restart

I will admit they are not all that well documented, but I think you will find 
what you need.

I think there are also  START and STOP commands...

Seems like they should stick with one set of commands and simplify.

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