Ubuntu 13.10 no internet

Charles Bell cbell44 at cfl.rr.com
Sat Nov 30 07:25:57 UTC 2013

On 11/29/2013 08:25 PM, Uriah Heep wrote:
> On Friday 29 November 2013 14:33:37 Dennis M wrote:
> > Thans all for the help, i saw no extra drivers in additional drivers
> for the
> > card. How can i see if she uses open or restricted drivers?
> > I'm learning Linux every day...
> All drivers are listed by
> $ lsmod
> You get information by
> $ modinfo DRIVERNAME
> and by
> https://startpage.com/ and search for the  DRIVERNAME
> You didn't answer this question:
> On Friday 29 November 2013 11:15:14 Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > Maybe the little switch on the laptop?
> When a neighbor ask me to help with a Windows laptop, I didn't know
> about this
> switch, but I read the Windows message window that mentioned the
> switch. IOW
> without knowledge about Windows and without knowing that some or all
> laptops
> have such a switch, I could solve the issue within seconds, that's why
> I just
> want to ensure, that you checked the button.
> Regards,
> Ralf
> ****************************
> All laptops have a way to disable wireless, in some such as my lenovo
> I press F5 and different computers use different buttons so you may
> have to check computer documentation.
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Ralf Mardorf <kde.lists at yahoo.com
> <mailto:kde.lists at yahoo.com>> wrote:
>     On Friday 29 November 2013 14:33:37 Dennis M wrote:
>     > Thans all for the help, i saw no extra drivers in additional
>     drivers for the
>     > card. How can i see if she uses open or restricted drivers?
>     > I'm learning Linux every day...
>     All drivers are listed by
>     $ lsmod
>     You get information by
>     $ modinfo DRIVERNAME
>     and by
>     https://startpage.com/ and search for the  DRIVERNAME
>     You didn't answer this question:
>     On Friday 29 November 2013 11:15:14 Kaj Haulrich wrote:
>     > Maybe the little switch on the laptop?
>     When a neighbor ask me to help with a Windows laptop, I didn't
>     know about this
>     switch, but I read the Windows message window that mentioned the
>     switch. IOW
>     without knowledge about Windows and without knowing that some or
>     all laptops
>     have such a switch, I could solve the issue within seconds, that's
>     why I just
>     want to ensure, that you checked the button.
>     Regards,
>     Ralf
>     --
>     kubuntu-users mailing list
>     kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>     Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users
I don't know if it will help or not, but I wrote the following bash file
for my own use.
You can change the IP addresses of the cable modem and the router.
If you have neither then '#' out the appropriate lines and continue. The
checks are
out of normal sequence because I wrote this on the fly.
You just have to copy-and-paste into a file ending with .sh and make it


"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when
we created them." --Albert Einstein (German born American Physicist who
developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize
for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)

# Everything below starting with '#!' on the first line, but above the
very last line as designated.

# Bash file to check if network manager is online

# check with this if statement to see if Network Manager is online
  printf "Network Manager is online!\n"
  #exit 0
  printf "Network Manager is offline\n"
  #exit 1

# Now check to see if the router is responding
if((ping $MY_ROUTER -c 1 -q) > /dev/null)
  printf "The router is responding!\n"
  printf "The router is not responding!\n"

# Now check to see if cable modem is responding
if((ping $MY_MODEM -c 1 -q) > /dev/null)
  printf "The cable modem is responding!\n"
  printf "The cable modem not responding!\n"

# Now check to see if Ethernet driver is loaded
if(lspci -v | egrep Ethernet > /dev/null)
  printf "There is an ethernet driver!\n"
  printf "There is no ethernet driver!\n"

#Everything above this line.
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