Epson XP700 All-in-One and Linux drivers

FarSight Data Systems msh at
Thu Nov 7 19:12:51 UTC 2013

I don't know about that specific device, but I've been using an Epson 
Workforce 520 all-in-one for a couple of years now and it's been a trooper.  I 
had to use Avaysis (sic) drivers.  You might find the same drivers will work 
for your device.


On Thursday, November 07, 2013 12:51:00 PM Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
> Hello lists,
> does anyone have any thoughts regarding suitable drivers (both printer
> and scanner) for the Epson XP700? I've performed a few searches and
> turned up zero results.
> A friend unfortunately bought the device before asking for advice and
> the only option I can see presently is for it to be returned as "not fit
> for purpose", although I'm not hopeful for success as Linux was not
> specified at the point of sale.
> Many thanks for any thoughts.
> Peter HB

Mark S. Halegua
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