Fresh install Kubuntu 13.10: how best to partition the HD for optimal, smooth Kontakt & Akonadi

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Tue Nov 5 23:25:58 UTC 2013

Hello Burke,
it's Basil who lives in Australia - as far as I can see in the south.

I live in Western Europe, in the Netherlands.

Respectfully Yours,
Op 5 nov. 2013 20:41 schreef "ray burke" <rayburke30 at>:

> that daylight saving time was for BC, can you answer where in
> Australia you live?
> ray
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 2:31 AM, Bas G. Roufs in English <
> basroufs at> wrote:
>> Hello Basil and Everybody.
>> > I am digesting your message and do have some comments - so stay tuned (I
>> > won't make the comments now as I am still to work thru them myself).
>> No problem, Basil . Take your time to digest :-) my previous message. I
>> wont
>> start the installation & maintenance session until you will be able to
>> reply
>> it. Both of my computers need a thorough and intense digital refreshment
>> maintenance session - however, I can still work fairly well at one of
>> them.
>> You live in (South-West?) Australia, UTC + 11. I live, as you remarked in
>> another message, in Utrecht, The Netherlands, UTC + 2. Here in Western
>> Europe,
>> we have no daylight saving time until the end of March 2014. Taking into
>> account the daylight saving hour in your region, it must be 10 hours
>> later in
>> your place. At about 16.30h. Central European Winter time, I send this
>> message.
>> > Unfortunately, I deleted message which started this thread and don't
>> > remember how much RAM you have. Can  you tell me what it is, please?
>> As you said yourself already in another message - 4 GB at each of both
>> laptops.
>> > Also, it seems that you have Windows #7 as an installable system (ie,
>> > you have the DVD to be able to install it from fresh, as a new
>> > installation) - is this correct?
>> Yes, it is. I do have a DVD with a freshly installable Windows 7 system.
>> However, I do not want to install that non-system :-) directly at my hard
>> disks. For several reasons, I prefer to install it in a virtual
>> environment,
>> hosted by the main system - in my case now Kubuntu 13.10.  For
>> considerably
>> less then 1% of my working sessions, I need Windows. So, I presume about
>> 10 -
>> 15 GB in a virtual environment will be enough.
>> However it may be - have a good day!
>> Respectfully Yours,
>> Bas G. Roufs.
>> --
>> Bas G. Roufs MA
>> Utrecht, NL, European Union, UTC + 2.
>> E-mail: BasRoufs at
>> M./ SMS: +31 6 446 835 10; T. +31 30 785 20 40.
>> --
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