Fresh install Kubuntu 13.10: how best to partition the HD for optimal, smooth Kontakt & Akonadi

Bas G. Roufs in English basroufs at
Tue Nov 5 15:31:32 UTC 2013

Hello Basil and Everybody.

> I am digesting your message and do have some comments - so stay tuned (I
> won't make the comments now as I am still to work thru them myself).

No problem, Basil . Take your time to digest :-) my previous message. I wont 
start the installation & maintenance session until you will be able to reply 
it. Both of my computers need a thorough and intense digital refreshment 
maintenance session - however, I can still work fairly well at one of them.  
You live in (South-West?) Australia, UTC + 11. I live, as you remarked in 
another message, in Utrecht, The Netherlands, UTC + 2. Here in Western Europe, 
we have no daylight saving time until the end of March 2014. Taking into 
account the daylight saving hour in your region, it must be 10 hours later in 
your place. At about 16.30h. Central European Winter time, I send this 

> Unfortunately, I deleted message which started this thread and don't
> remember how much RAM you have. Can  you tell me what it is, please?
As you said yourself already in another message - 4 GB at each of both 

> Also, it seems that you have Windows #7 as an installable system (ie,
> you have the DVD to be able to install it from fresh, as a new
> installation) - is this correct?
Yes, it is. I do have a DVD with a freshly installable Windows 7 system. 
However, I do not want to install that non-system :-) directly at my hard 
disks. For several reasons, I prefer to install it in a virtual environment, 
hosted by the main system - in my case now Kubuntu 13.10.  For considerably 
less then 1% of my working sessions, I need Windows. So, I presume about 10 - 
15 GB in a virtual environment will be enough. 

However it may be - have a good day!

Respectfully Yours,

Bas G. Roufs. 

Bas G. Roufs MA
Utrecht, NL, European Union, UTC + 2.
E-mail: BasRoufs at
M./ SMS: +31 6 446 835 10; T. +31 30 785 20 40.

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