Automount no longer working

Phil phil_lor at
Mon May 27 07:30:01 UTC 2013

On 27/05/13 15:27, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Phil wrote:
>> Thank you for reading this.
>> For some strange reason external USB devices are not longer being
>> automounted.
>> Also for some strange reason the "Enable automatic mounting of
>> removable media was unchecked plus all of the "Automount on attach"
>> check boxes were also unchecked. I expected that ticking all of the
>> boxes would fix the problem but instead Device Notification displays
>> "Could not mount the following device" etc
>> The external USB devices show up under Dolphin and are also listed
>> with lsusb. I've also installed "usbmount" although I've never had to
>> install it in the past.
>> Can anyone offer any suggestions to fix this?
> It looks like it only works for devices which have been selected for
> automounting. Therefore connect your device(s) and go to systemsettings
> -> "Removable Devices" and tick the "Enable automatic mounting of
> removable media" checkbox (if necessary). In the "Device overrides" area
> tick the checkboxes "Automount on Login" and "Automount on Attach" for
> the devices you want to automount. Then click "Apply".

Thanks Nils, I did all of that (and more) although I may not have stated 
it very clearly above. Anyway, I have discovered the cause of the 
problem but not the cure.

The USB devices are now being auto mounted but the notifier is not being 
triggered. I noticed that this has occurred after a recent string of 
updates were received. Perhaps future updates will fix the problem?

I panicked because it seemed that I couldn't do the weekly backup but 
all is well now except for the notifier.


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