Rogue process??

Paul Kaplan pkaplan1 at
Thu May 16 20:41:33 UTC 2013

I did apt-get update this morning on a Raring system and found kernel updates for 3.8.0-21. After issuing apt-get upgrade, I got a bunch of errors, all of which end with "No space left on device". 

I installed the system on an 11Gb partition (with /home on a separate partition) and it initially took up about 5.5Gb. When I investigated the above error, / was 100% full with no available space. Further investigation showed that only all the directories added up to ~5.5Gb of files with the exception of /proc which is shown as 1.8Tb. Most of the sub-directies are 0 size despite having files and subdirectories. Most important is the kcore file, listed as 1.8Tb. 

I've been using linux systems for many years and have never seen something like this and it's choking my primary machine. 


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