Nepomuk/Akonadi progress

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Sun Mar 24 07:32:07 UTC 2013

On 24/03/2013 03:03, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> Tentatively ... looking pretty damn good at the moment. I actually have a
> desktop that is living up to all that hope and promise from years ago :)
> - Desktop search. Working, quick reliable searches on filename, tags, ratings,
> type and content, via krunner or dolphin. Email searching is integrated in
> krunner as well.
> - Email searching. Working pretty well - full text searching is fast and
> reliable.
> - IMAP. Disconnected and Online IMAP has been very stable and reliable for
> some time for me (Google Account and 3rd party IMAP account). I have approx
> 83,000 msgs.
> - Calendar Sync. Two way syncing with Google Calendar is working perfectly.
> - Address book Sync. Two way syncing with Google Contacts is working
> perfectly.
> - Address auto completion. Fully working.
> - CPU/RAM Usage. Problems of massive CPU/Mem usage seem to be a thing of the
> past. There's a rare issue with the fileindexer running out of control but the
> dev is actively trying to track that one down.
> - Overall responsiveness of the KDE desktop seems much snappier, apparently
> some of this is due to improvements in nepomuk.
> Caveats:
> Email indexing searching could be improved, though it is *much* better than it
> was. If using imap you really need to enable disconnected mode for content
> searching to work.
> - email search with multiple terms via AND/OR don't seem to work.
> - Saved email searches no longer auto update due to CPU concerns which
> severely limits their utility, apparently this will be restored in the future.
> - My base system in Kubuntu 13.04/KDE 4.10.1, but I'm running akonadi and
> nepomuk built from master. 4.10.1 is good but still had a number of quirks. I
> dunno how much of current master will make its way into 4.10.2 but 4.11 is
> going to be killer!
> So huge thanks to the devs, its got to a stage where I really miss nepomuk and
> akonadi features on other systems - never thought I'd get to that stage :)
> Really impressive work, immense progress these last few releases.
Since I am also on kdepim-devel list I know you make an effort to hunt 
bugs and I can also see a very active dev community. So kudos to you 
Lindsay for your efforts!


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