Akonadi is dead...

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 17:52:25 UTC 2013

Hello Georgi,

from my time with Kubuntu 12.04, I remember similar problems. Now,
with Kubuntu 12.10 and KDE 4.10, a lot of improvements have come. On
the other hand, the process is often still a bit cumbersome sometimes.
My provisional measures tool box:
+ always taking care of of having quick acces to the system activity
window via a widget in the panel;
+ if necessary killing processes that eat too much CPU, like akonadi;
+ restarting with a view to getting back in a normal mode;
+ purging and reinstalling Kontact and it's dependencies.
Respectfully yours,


2013/3/20 Georgi Kourtev <gkourtev at gmail.com>
> Hi all.
> After a normal reboot of a laptop, akonadi does not start making the whole system not usable. The CPU is up high busy in a mysql process. From the akonadi console I cannot start akonadi as, according to the self test "Akonadi cannpt be registted at D-bus". The same error with nepomuk.
> Meanwhile the hard disk doas not stop...
> How can I make it work?  This id a 12.04.2 system. Thanks.
> Gk
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drs. Bas G. Roufs

Van 't Hoffstraat 1; NL - 3514 VT Utrecht

E. BasRoufs at gmail.com; Mob. +31 6 446 835 10; Tel. +31 30 785 20 40.

Open source OS: Kubuntu 12.10, see kubuntu.org .
Websites in construction: BasRoufs.eu ; Viaconsensus.nl; RainbowGathering.eu .

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