Even while writing this e-mail, the system 'froze' several times.

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Thu Jun 13 19:07:28 UTC 2013

On Thursday, June 13, 2013 06:41:57 AM Errol Sapir wrote:
> Hi All
> Some recent observations on the "freezing" problem.
> 1. Bas and I both have AMD cpu's. Maybe there lies a problem that 
> started with 12,10 and hasn't yet been solved?
> 2. I have recently upgrades to KDE 4.10.4 and I haven't frozen yet. True 
> it is only a few days but things are looking better.
> Any similar observations?
> Errol

I'm running 13.04  on an AMD64 with no freezes.  I had the freezes last in 
12.04 I think...   

And in my opinion, the freezing in Kmail2, which is the only place I saw it, 
was due to Kmail2 doing some long operation on its data, maybe with the 
dreaded akonadi...  

Wish they would do away with akonadi...  causes no end of problems.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  bmarsh at bmarsh.com  Bellaire, MI         06/13/13 15:05  +
"Law of Probability Dispersal:  Whatever it is that hits the fan will not
      be evenly distributed."

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