Clock time zone

Phil phil_lor at
Wed Jun 12 23:33:05 UTC 2013

On 12/06/13 14:11, Jim MacLeod wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 10:43:40 +0000
> Phil <phil_lor at> wrote:
>> Thank you for reading this.
>> Since a recent set of updates the time displayed is UTC time even though
>> the KDE time zone settings are still set as they previously were.
>> /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime still show the correct time zone, yet
>> "date" displays UTC time.
>> phil at Asus:~$ date
>> Wed Jun 12 10:35:58 UTC 2013
>> As I said, this has only occurred during the past couple of days after a
>> batch of updates were received. Is this a known problem?
>> --
> If you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" and select your timezone it
> should remain after a reboot.

Thanks Jim and TuxMario,

The above command already showed the correct time zone and after 
clicking "OK" the correct local time was displayed. However, once the 
system automatically checked the time via the time server the displayed 
time once again reverted back to UTC.

So, the time server is setting the system to UTC. I noticed this effect, 
before I posted my question, if I manually set the time. I initially 
though the time server was at fault, due to a public holiday here, but 
this is very unlikely.


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