Clock time zone

TuxMario DeTreb tuxmario.detreb at
Wed Jun 12 12:34:36 UTC 2013

Hello Phil

I'm running Raring with last official updates installed (last update 
done today morning)
Your problem is not existing on my computer

mario at mario-kde:~$ cat /etc/timezone
mario at mario-kde:~$ which date
mario at mario-kde:~$ date
mercredi 12 juin 2013, 14:32:17 (UTC+0200)
mario at mario-kde:~$

Regards : TuxMario

Le 12/06/2013 12:43, Phil a écrit :
> Thank you for reading this.
> Since a recent set of updates the time displayed is UTC time even 
> though the KDE time zone settings are still set as they previously were.
> /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime still show the correct time zone, yet 
> "date" displays UTC time.
> phil at Asus:~$ date
> Wed Jun 12 10:35:58 UTC 2013
> As I said, this has only occurred during the past couple of days after 
> a batch of updates were received. Is this a known problem?

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