Cron not running

Nils Kassube kassube at
Tue Jul 30 07:06:56 UTC 2013

Phil wrote:
> On 30/07/13 16:04, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Thanks for replying Nils.
> This doesn't look correct:
> phil at Asus:~$ ps ax|grep -v grep|grep cron
>   1099 ?        Ss     0:00 cron

I'm not sure, but I think that anacron isn't necessary to run jobs from 
your crontab. So that's probably OK.

> And this is the cron job:
> phil at Asus:~$ crontab -l
> #No comment
> 20 16 * * *     /home/phil/
> ./ does run correctly.

That means, with bash the script runs correctly. However cron doesn't 
use bash but sh instead (which is usually dash). And dash doesn't know 
the extensions of bash. Try the command

sh ./

to find out if cron should run it correctly. If you are using bash 
extensions, the first line of your script should be


to explicitly run it with bash and not sh.


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