Any way to get a new Asus netbook or tablet without Windows?

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Wed Jul 24 12:45:25 UTC 2013

Hello Everybody,

has anybody any experience how to get a Asus Netbook without Windows?

This autumn or winter, I hope to find something like my 1001HA - however,
with some more HD or SDD and especially more RAM and a more strong
processor. Everything I can find right now, has Windows 8 - an OS I do not
want. On the other hand, I prefer a 10 or 11/12 ยด screen and small, light
weight dimensions in general.
One possible option could be this one:

However - without Windows and with 8 GB RAM instead of 4.

Any idea?

Respectfully yours,


Bas G. Roufs MA

Van 't Hoffstraat 1; NL - 3514 VT Utrecht

E. BasRoufs at; Mob. +31 6 446 835 10; Tel. +31 30 785 20 40.

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