external HD

Cody Smith cody.smith9202 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 23:58:40 UTC 2013

if it freezes, hardware should be the first thing to be checked as that's
the most common. I'd start checking the hardware (or saving up for a new


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Errol Sapir <errol at tzora.co.il> wrote:

> On 01/22/2013 07:52 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 22/01/13 02:44, Errol Sapir wrote:
> mmm.... Problem solved :-[
> It appears that the particular usb port in the computer is malfunctioning.
> I tried the HD in another port and it works.
> To answer your questions. I did safely remove the HD and I also started
> the computer several times. Nothing helped until I removed my printer from
> its USB connection and conected the HD to that port.
> Thanks for the help.
> Errol
> On 01/21/2013 10:31 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 21/01/13 19:06, TuxMario DeTreb wrote:
> Le 21/01/2013 06:26, Basil Chupin a écrit :
> On 21/01/13 15:51, Errol Sapir wrote:
> I backup on a Toshiba external HD. Suddenly Kubuntu doesn't read or
> recognize the fact that I place an external HD in the USB. I tried even
> connecting it to the "direct" USB at the back of the computer instead of to
> the front one which I always used. The HD is recognized when I boot to
> windows. I am using Kubuntu 12.10.
> Any suggestions?
> Errol
> Did you "Safely Remove" it when you used it last in whatever OS you used
> it in?
> And when you say that Windows "recognises" it, can Windows actually read
> the contents of the drive? (I am assuming here that the HDD is formatted in
> some weird Windows file system, right? :-) .)
> BC
>  Hello
> I had some times issues with USB port when one unmounting USB set was not
> correctly done.
>   * t
>   * another one is to complete umount process by  commands
> Depends on what you actually mean by "reboot" - issuing the "reboot"
> command or merely hitting the "reset"/"reboot" button.
> Data is not always immediately written to a device but is stored in RAM or
> the HDD cache and is
> waiting to be written to the device. With externals and USB flash sticks
> when the data IS written to them then a flag is set on that device
> indicating that there is no data yet to be written to it.
> If you do a normal "reboot" or "shutdown" the operating system makes sure
> that any unwritten data is written out to the appropriate device - and then
> the flag is set.
> If you suffer a power loss or hit the "reset/reboot" button this does not
> happen - and the flag is not set, indicating that there is missing data
> which is yet to be written to the device.
> So, be careful when you say, "Simpler solution was a reboot" :-) .
> Unmounting the device is the same as doing a correct reboot or Safely
> Remove the device - any unwritten data is written out to the device.
> Having said all of this, I know that when I was running Windows and shut
> the system down without first Safely Removing the USB or the external
> device I quite often ended up with problems. Moral of this is: Safely
> Remove such devices when you need them.
> BC
> Now THAT is a most unusual situation. I have never heard of an USB port
> failing. Was it the cable or is the mobo on its last legs?
> BC
>  The latter I'm afraid. The front USB's have been out of action for a
> while and now it seems to be spreading. I have another phenomena  ONLY
> happening in Kubuntu - not in Windows but maybe that is because I use it
> for short spurts and only when I have no choice like using Visio which I
> use for work.
> The phenomena is the sudden "freezing" of he computer where nothing works
> and the only way to "solve" the problem is to press the computer button and
> hold it until the computer shuts down. I then restart the computer and all
> works well until the next time. As this only happens when I'm working on
> the computer (and not while the computer is idle) I am deliberating whether
> it is a hardware or software problem. My deep suspicions are the something
> in Kubuntu is malfunctioning. Maybe people here know about this. I use
> Kubuntu 12.10 with all upgrades as they come out.
> My computer is quite old. A Gigabyte GA-F8NF motherboard with a AMD 3500
> cpu and 2 giga memory.
> Errol
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