Help - disaster recovery

David Fletcher dave at
Sun Jan 13 11:39:28 UTC 2013

On Sun, 2013-01-13 at 20:56 +1000, Phil wrote:

> What tool, or tools, would you suggest to attempt data recovery?

Fortunately, I've never had to attempt "data recovery". If your drive
had just been missing something that prevented it from booting,
hopefully the filing system would be intact and you'd just be able to
copy your files off.

Now, for future reference, I use scripts with cron to copy files for
backing up to my server, then over to my desktop hard drive. Then
occasionally I run a script manually that hopefully takes everything I
need to rebuild anything on my small home network and puts it all into a
tar file. I manually put that tar file through gpg with symmetrical
encryption and copy it onto a USB flash drive. Then copy the file
DIRECTLY from the first flash drive to a second. Then copy from the
second flash drive to my netbook and check that I can decrypt and unpack
that file, and confirm that a recent spreadsheet or email is present.
Then put the second drive in the glove box of my car as my off site

Depends, I suppose, on how much data you have. I don't keep my photos
and music in this backup they get copied onto the separate hard drives
in the house and DVDs.


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