Audio/Video Problems

Bill vance faptagon at
Mon Jan 7 17:00:39 UTC 2013

On 1/4/13, Leslie Anne Chatterton <lahc2007 at> wrote:
> Hi Myriam,
> You say: "At the moment, its all I've got".
> This may be stating the obvious, but did you know that you can download the
> latest version of Kubuntu, legally and absolutely free, from their website?
> You do have to burn the DVD (won't fit on a CD any longer) yourself. If you
> have difficulty with that we can help you...
> The latest Long Term Support (LTS) version, 12.04, is highly recommended.
> I'm using it.
> Leslie Anne

Thanks for the info, but it still does me no good at the moment.  I have no
DVDs to burn it on, and no bucks to get any till the ides, (middle), of Jan.


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