top posting (was Audio/Video Problems)

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Sun Jan 6 02:28:15 UTC 2013

On Saturday, January 05, 2013 06:03:24 PM David Lang wrote:
> > "So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodnight..."
> > 
> > And don't let the door.......
> As someone who has only been subscribed here a few months, I'll say that
> this  attitude really bothers me.
> Driving people away, and being glad to see them go over something as trivial
> as  top vs bottom posting seems like the wrong thing to do.
> I missed the initial post, so I don't know how agressive the initial
> exchange  was, but I'm actually more bothered by the number of people
> posting that they are glad to see people leave over this issue than
> anything else.
> Do you really have so many people providing assistance, and so many users
> that  you would rather have anyone who ever top posts go away and use
> something else rather than just answering their question (for a first time
> poster) or asking them to switch?
> David Lang


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    when a salesman calls, you can hold the receiver up to it and run your 
    fingernails across it until he hangs up."

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