top posting

Clay Weber clay at
Sat Jan 5 17:25:08 UTC 2013

On Saturday, January 05, 2013 10:50:45 AM theuteck at wrote:

> Sorry to see you go Leslie, and over such a trivial and childish reason at 
> Someday people on the kubuntu mail list will realize that Kmail has no 
problem displaying the relevant part of new posts irregardless of top or 
bottom post, and I find that top posting a more natural and intuitive way to do 
things since the new response show up in in the message preview. 
> Frown all you want, I don't care.

It is not about the look of a message, it is about what part is being replied 
to, in a time line if you will. It is as much for the benefit of those members 
who are assisting and those who need/want/have to use digest mode for 
receiving these emails as it is for those who come across a message from a 
list via a web search, for example. 

Me, I don't like it myself in normal email discourse but choose to follow this 
format after trying to follow who is responding to what part of someone's 
reply to another person's reply to someone's problem.  It is not about *me* in 
here, so I try to be kind enough to follow an accepted format that _assists 
those who are trying to help_. Then of course I forget to change the setting 
on my phone for replies after installing a new email client for testing, lol.

Please let's not let this devolve into  a quagmire, it isn't necessary and no 
one has been nasty or negative in suggesting we try and stick to non-top-

Clay Weber (moderator)

> On Saturday, January 05, 2013 11:11:22 AM Leslie Anne Chatterton wrote:
> Myriam S. W wrote
> >>
> >> If bottom posting is the rule here I can change.
> >Yes please do. JFYI: Top posting is frowned upon pretty >much
> >everywhere in mailing lists, that "ubuntulinux" group is a >very rare
> >exception. Top posting totally breaks the natural reading >flow and it
> >makes following threads absolutely dreadful.
> >>--
> >> Please don't send me proprietary file formats,
> >> use ISO standard ODF instead (ISO/IEC 26300)
> Now that I understand the rules you are operating under I can see this group 
is not for me. I'm just a 73 year old grannie trying to keep mentally active 
after a career in teaching Computer Tech. Reformatting this message to conform 
to your formal standards takes an amazing amount of time and effort and I'm not 
interested in doing it. 
> For your information: I've belonged to many online groups for 15 years, 
including several Tech groups, though mostly general interest types. I've 
moderated about five over the years and owned three more. I've had almost no 
complaints. I do this for fun, as Linus Torvalds says, its "Just for fun", and 
pleasure. It seems this group is way too serious for me. 
> Please don't reply to this. Get on with the purpose of the group. I don't 
want to interrupt the flow of the useful discussion here so I won't post again.
> Best wishes,
> Leslie Anne Chatterton B.Sc., B.D

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