Duplicated messages sent from the list

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Mon Dec 2 18:20:07 UTC 2013

On Monday, December 02, 2013 01:09:29 PM Bruce Marshall wrote:
> But in checking just now, I found in the trash a dupe sent to me by my
> wife,  and one email showed an attachment and the other didn't show the
> attachment (in the message list)  but yet both had the picture that was
> attached.

Whenever an email on my email server is processed by procmail, the first thing 
that happens is that it is put in a 'backup' directory before any processing 
at all is done on it.  Therefore, the backup contains anything (spam included) 
and everything that comes in.

I just checked on the email I mentioned above, sent from my wife, and I can 
only find ONE copy of that email in the backup.   Therefore, it would appear 
that any duplication took place between the time that procmail received the 
email and it ended up in Kmail.

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