kubuntu installation problems

kubuntu kubuntu at appjaws.plus.com
Mon Dec 2 12:45:58 UTC 2013

Hi all,
I have built a new computer and have windows7 running fine from an ssd. 
When I try and install kubuntu it fails, I have tried various way and 
each time it fails.
The first problem is that it appears not to recognise that windows7 is 
installed on this computer.
I have tried the manual option but it fails near the end by not writing 
the boot loader to sda, I even tried to say to install the boot loader 
to another disc but that failed.
I then put a new disc in the computer - sde and set up /, /boot, swap 
partitions and changed the boot loader to sde but again it failed.

Is their any other way to install kubuntu?
Is the fact that windows is on a ssd a problem?

Please help I love kubuntu and use it alot every day.

Thank you
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