Duplicated messages sent from the list

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 2 09:51:22 UTC 2013


sometimes I receive duplicated messages _from the list_ (no CC issue). It 
doesn't matter if I sent the mail or somebody else sent a mail to the list.
The mails I receive two times are just one time in the archive.

There seemingly is an issue with the list's mailman or with my Kubuntu Saucy's 

rocketmouse at saucy:~$ kmail -v
Qt: 4.8.4
KDE Development Platform: 4.11.2
KMail: 4.11.2

Anybody experiencing the same? If so, what MUA do you use? I then would file a 
bug against Kmail to an Ubuntu bugtracker (not upstream) or write to one of 
the list masters.


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