clamav probs

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Mon Aug 19 18:12:35 UTC 2013

Greetings all;

I see that clamav-97.8 showed up in the repo's this noonish, but even 
though I still had the /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf, freshclam itself 
apparently is not finding the right version of libclamav, which purports to 

Aha, there was stuff in /usr/local that I nuked.  Now freshclam runs and 
fetches the database.  Except ONLY when I run it from my (regular user) 

I can move it, or make it access where it is being put by that command line 
from crontab.  I think I'll try and make the clamav-daemon use where its 
at, tons less perm problems.

Cheers, Gene
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