Can't write to USB stick without sudo

Mark Fraser mfraz74+ubuntu at
Sun Aug 18 14:02:23 UTC 2013

On Sunday 18 Aug 2013 14:25:51 Ronnie Tucker wrote:
> Hi!
> The problem I'm having is that when I insert a USB stick (formatted to
> FAT32) I have to use sudo with Dolphin to write/erase files to/from the USB
> stick.
> I've tried erasing the stick in the KDE Partition Manager to FAT32 and it's
> always the same.
> Even changing the permissions (by right clicking in the Dolphin window then
> choosing properties) does nothing. They always revert back to root being
> the owner and that others can't modify the contents.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> No wonder I have a Sherry at Christmas!  :D

What version of KDE/Kubuntu are you running?

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