KDE 4.11 can't change order of "open with"

Mark Fraser mfraz74+ubuntu at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 06:04:57 UTC 2013

On 17 Aug 2013 22:29, "George Dvorak" <gldvorak at gmail.com> wrote:
> Go to System Settings. File Associations. Select text and then CSV.
Select KWrite and move it to the top Press apply and your problem is fixed.
> I need to do this to several file types also.
> George Dvorak

Tried that, but it doesn't change. LibreOffice is still at the top. It
isn't working on my laptop either.

> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Mark Fraser <mfraz74+ubuntu at gmail.com>
>> Up until upgrading to 4.11 today I have been able to load a CSV file into
>> KWrite by just double-clicking on it as it is the top entry in the
>> preference order.
>> Since upgrading no matter what I do, Libreoffice Calc and Calligra Sheets
>> appear in the list above KWrite. CSV seems to be the only filetype
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