GVFS Really Necessary?

Alvin info at alvin.be
Mon Aug 12 09:10:25 UTC 2013

On Monday 12 August 2013 09:03:23 kbun at xpresso.seaslug.org wrote:
> I'm running kubuntu 12.04 here.
> Is GVFS, (Gnome virtual File System), really necessary to
> Kubuntu, or can I safely purge/remove/jump up and down on
> it's corpse?

That depends on your dependencies.

This is an example of my situation.
$ aptitude why gvfs
i   virt-manager  Depends    python-gnome2                                                                                                                                                                                       
i A python-gnome2 Depends    libgnome2-0 (>= 2.17.3)                                                                                                                                                                             
i A libgnome2-0   Recommends gvfs

I need virt-manager, and virt-manager depends on python-gnome2. python-gnome2 
/recommends/ gvfs. The difference with /depends/ is that it's just extra 
functionality. I don't need it, so in my situation I could safely remove gvfs.

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