SiS Mirage 3 Graphics and Linux

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at
Tue Apr 23 23:12:54 UTC 2013

There are some old instructions to get support here:

That was for 10.04 and it involved downloading new binaries.  I don't know
if those instructions still work.


On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Christer Wickman <christer_wickman at
> wrote:

> Hello
> I had a laptop that had a graphics card from SiS and it could only run at
> this resolution 800x600. I tried everything I could do to display in higher
> resolution but nothing worked. So support on Linux for these card seem to
> be low. This laptop I don't have it anymore. I do have a laptop now, but I
> haven't tested Ubuntu or KUbuntu on the new one.
> Yours
> Christer.
> Sent from Huawei Mobile
> Dennis Linux <frankie-1 at> skrev:
> Hello, my friend's laptop got a SiS Mirage 3 Graphic card. Is this
> graphics good supported in Linux?
> Regards, Dennis
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