32bit ISO image won't fit on 700 CD

Leslie Anne Chatterton lahc2007 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 16:33:20 UTC 2012

This topic got me curious so I downloaded afresh and burned using K3B. With
standard settings it would not burn the 703 MB image. When overburning was
allowed it accepted that size and produced a good CD. The CD brand was a
cheap genetic "no name ".

I did have difficulty booting the disk on my old machines, most over 5
years old, fully functional but cantankerous. My newest, a 3 year old HP,
just finished the installation and it works. (My 2 tablets are my newest
computers, Xoom from spring 2011 and Google Nexus 7 from July 2012).

For those who have to burn their disks on other operating systems please
look for an overburning option. Most have it well hidden. If using ancient
"steam powered" computers, like me, it may be time to look for a good newer
refurbished model.

Sent from my Motorola Xoom running Ice Cream Sandwich
On Sep 27, 2012 10:15 AM, "Gerald I. Evenden" <geraldi.evenden at gmail.com>

> I downloaded kubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.**iso but could not burn a 700
> CD because the image exceeded the size limit of the CD by just a few bytes.
> General complaint: do not push the size envelope.
> Question, any CD manufacturer/brand that may push its size envelope
> sufficiently to hold the iso distribution?
> Thanks.
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