Disks package

Peter Hillier-Brook phb at hbsys.plus.com
Tue Oct 30 18:23:47 UTC 2012

On 30/10/12 17:06, Steve Riley wrote:
> On 2012-10-30 16:01:12 Peter Hillier-Brook <phb at hbsys.plus.com> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> does anyone know where the useful package "disks" went with 12.12. I
>> still have it on an upgraded machine, but it's not  available with a
>> fresh install.
> Checking the package search function at Ubuntu shows no package called
> "disks." Can you tell us more about what that is?

Yes I know, which is why I raised the query. I think that the package 
was originally named "disk-utils", but Kubuntu called it " disks" in 
12.04. It's a utility that looks at the disk hardware in a given machine 
and produces useful info regarding physical details of the disks, 
partitioning, file system formats etc..

Peter HB

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