Urgent. How to get Kompozer or alternative for Kubuntu 12.10???!!!

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 05:47:32 UTC 2012

On 20/10/2012 03:13, Bas Roufs wrote:
> Dear Everybody,
> thanks for all your efforts to help me. You shared with me several ideas
> - unfortunately none of them seems to work - probably due to the fact
> that Kompozer is really obsolete and "abandonware".
> On the other hand, I found "BlueGriffon", which is a fork of NVU - like
> Kompozer. More info:
> http://bluegriffon.org/
> As far as I can see now, BlueGriffon is quite similar to Kompozer,
> however more up to date and not "abandoned"/ obsolete.
> After getting a bit more experience with BlueGriffon, I will share with
> you my experience at this forum.
> Respectfully yours,
> Bas Roufs.
Thanks for sharing that find! These days I "normally" use a CMS as 
template but for simple pages this seems to work well. And the fact that 
there is a "mobile view" plugin shows they are more updated than 
Kompozer for sure...


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