Kmail vs. Thunderbird

Valter Mura valtermura at
Tue Nov 13 20:40:09 UTC 2012

In data martedì 13 novembre 2012 00:49:33, Clay Weber ha scritto:
> > Hi All
> > 
> > so, again, the old, (in)famous issue.
> > 
> > System:
> > - Kubuntu 64bit 12.10 updated
> > - KDE 4.9.2
> > 
> > I made a *fresh* installation of Kubuntu in a "virgin" hard disk, setup
> > the
> > entire Kmail with all my accounts (everything is kept to server, so I
> > don't
> > have problems to lose something).
> > 
> > Nepomuk has made its work, indexing my folders and now is quiet.
> > 
> > The accounts are syncronized, Kmail is quiet. the "google-akonadi-contacs"
> > plugin is working, so I can see my contacts in the addressbook. But.
> > 
> > But, I cannot get working the address autocompletion when composing a
> > message!
> > 
> > So, even if now my system is quite new and works well (as fast as I
> > expected), I'm seriously thinking of migrating to TB and have
> > full-working system...
> > 
> > Please, give me suggestions for not take this irreversible decision.
> > 
> > TIA
> > 
> > Ciao
> > Nepomuk must be enabled for address autocompletion to work. However if it
> > isn't you do get a warning message when you compose mail in KMail.

It is. Only mail indexing is not enabled, but I don't need it, I use IMAP and 
keep all my important messages in the Mail Server provider.

> > 
> > Try opening KAddressbook and ensure there is a tick in the box next to
> > your google contacts list. It works for me but I'm on 4.9.3.

Already ticketed.

> > 
> > Like you, I considered moving to Thunderbird as I have plenty of other
> > issues with KMail but I tried it and it just didn't feel right :)
> > 
> > Mark
> Hi Mark & Valter
> I'd like to jump in this discussion at the other end of the problem. I have 
> been using TB for years and am happy with it. Lately I have looked into
> KMail and am thinking of moving over. One thing preventing me doing it is
> the fact that for work purposes I have Windows as a dual boot on my
> computer. I use Thunderbird in both and have the mail on a common partition
> so I can use my TB in whatever I am logged into. Persuade me please :-\
> Errol
> With your setup, which I assume is working well for you, there is no reason
> to persuade you to change ;)

Well, I think the same.

The *big* issue with Kmail is its use of Nepomuk/Akonadi, while TB doesn't.
One vote on Kmail's favour is its strong integration in KDE, together with the 
other features that come with it, that's to say all the stuff of the "PIM" 
suite. Moreover, the efforts of the KDE Team shouldn't be underestimated.

A big plus for TB is the large extension repository and the ability to handle 
separate spam for separate accounts. It seems also that TB handles better the 
IMAP protocol (the one I use for Gmail and others).

I repeat: the big issue for me now is the non-working autocompletion.

Open Source is better!

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