Erratic mouse behavior in 12.04

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at
Mon May 28 12:09:23 UTC 2012

2012/5/27 Basil Chupin <blchupin at>:
> On 28/05/12 03:51, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm running Kubuntu 12.04 64 bits fully updated and I'm experiencing some
>> strange mouse behaviors, completely reproducible in this machine (Dell
>> Inspiron One 2320). I have three others (vaio notebook and two Dell
>> notebooks)
>> where this problem does not happen. Some examples:
> Sounds like it may be your video card driver. Are you using nVidia, for
> example, but have not installed the "proper" driver[***] - that is, still
> using the default nouveau driver?
> [***] The latest nVidia driver is 295.53.
> [.............]

This system uses hybrid graphics (nvidia optimus), but I'm currently
running Intel graphics only. I've seen some solutions around the net
to activate and use the nvidia GPU, but haven't tried any of them yet.
So far, Intel graphics is doing good for what I need, so activating
the nvidia GPU is not a priority right now.
After my first post, I've noticed that all those pointer problems go
away if I disable the system's touchscreen device. Therefore, it seems
that the mouse and the touchscreen are fighting each other. Now I'm
trying to get rid of the problems while keeping a working touchscreen.



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