Importiing Kmail to thunderbird ?possible

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at
Thu May 17 22:02:14 UTC 2012

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:08 AM, Marcelo Magno T. Sales
<mmtsales at>wrote:

> 2012/5/8 Richard Terry <richard at>:
> > After many years I've relectantly decided to give up my kmail  and
> switch to
> > thunderbird, and I wondered if anyone had successfullyl imported the
> kmail
> > folders/messages, or if it was possible
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > richard
> As much as I can tell, there's no direct way to import your Kmail's
> maildir into Thunderbird's mbox store. However, you can do this

A web search will yield many mbox to maildir converters, but I don't see
anyone advertising maildir to mbox.  You would think someone would have
done it.

As I recall, I used kmail to convert to mbox.  I would create a new mail
folder in maildir format and move all the files from the old, mbox, folder
to the new one.  The conversion happened automatically.

Perhaps this could work in reverse, too?  Kmail used to understand mbox.
If it still does, and can create a new mbox folder, you could copy the
maildir emails to the mbox folder.  If that works, you should be able to
have thunderbird use the mbox folder.

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